Can anyone help me with identifying this species? If not, perhaps it is enough to just enjoy.
....Thanks to Rexroth's Daughter's comment, I now have an ID for the butterfly. Unless anyone complains, i.e. has a different opinion, this butterfly shall be called Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis). The butterfly is listed for our area, was found by an open area, and was close to the adult food plants listed in the guide to which Rexroth's Daugher sent me. (I never would have identified it with my old Peterson Guide black and white photo.)
can't help you identify but i enjoyed looking at your butterfly!
I can't help, but here's a link to a pretty good database of North American butterflies.
Good luck!
Is it this - Northern Pearl Crescent? http://home.cogeco.ca/~lunker/npealcres.htm
Dean I think RD is right. I changed mine LOL. The big difference to me, after checking them both out, is the size. The Pearl Crescents are very small.
I can't tell how large yours is from this picture, but I'm suspecting that it's the same as the one I saw.
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