Wednesday, March 5, 2025 4:25 p.m.
Sit 1644 : Brush Pile E : Partly Sunny & fog
+8° (*8°) E 5-8 kph 97% humidity
(Traffic Noises),
Water dripping from trees,
Donkey braying,
(Jet - United Airlines flight 778...),
(Boston to Denver),
(11:20 p.m.) -| Quiet,
12:30 a.m. -| Cloudy,
3:05 a.m. - Rain
6:49 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -
Raindrops on roof,
Morning Activities -
Plan B Organic Farm volunteer work,
Delivered Plan B food box to Jerseyville,
Afternoon Activities -
Tried to get Sonos to work,
Called Sonos technician,
Spent over 2 hours on the phone,
Did not get Sonos working,
1.9 km Trail walk with Marigold,
Heard Red-winged Blackbirds calling,
Large flock of Tundra Swans flew overhead,
Carolina Wren was singing,
(Fleur-Ange heard a Robin singing earlier),
Worked on digital painting after supper,
Seen or Heard from Kitchen -
Blue Jay,
White-Breasted Nuthatch,
1st Robin singing,
(No one watching the feeder most of the day).