Thursday, January 30, 2025 4:30 p.m.
Sit 1612 : Brush Pile E : Mostly cloudy
+1° (-3°) S 18-27 kph 48% humidity
Donkey braying,
Goats bleating,
(Traffic Noises),
(Jet - WestJet flight 532...),
(Calgary to Hamilton),
Dogs barking in distance,
(11:15 p.m.) -
1:05 a.m. -| Partly cloudy with some stars,
2:55 a.m. -| Quiet,
7:38 a.m. Sunrise Chorus -
White-breasted Nuthatch,
Carolina Wren,
Morning Activities -
.7 km Trail walk with Marigold,
Drove to Copetown to buy a wheelbarrow,
(An inch bigger and it would not have fit in my car),
Read in “Stone Blind” by Natalie Haynes
a birthday gift from my daughter,
Drove to Brantford for my foot clinic appointment,
Afternoon Activities -
Stopped at Tim Hortons for lunch,
Read in “Lady Helena Investigates” by Jane Steen
on my iPhone.
(Been reading off and on in this book),
To Gretzky indoor track for 5 km walk,
Ron, Wendy, Diane, and Donna there too,
Shopping at Costco on the way home,
1.7 km Trail walk with Fleur-Ange & Marigold,
Late afternoon sit spot,
More reading in “Stone Blind”,
Worked on digital art,
Seen or Heard from Kitchen -
White-breasted Nuthatch,
Red-bellied Woodpecker,
Carolina Wren,
Black Squirrel,
Grey Squirrel,
Red Squirrel.