Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Note From Our Art Show

Note From Our Art Show
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
One of the students in the class made a small book to share our art work. This is one of the pages about me.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Art Show Coming Soon

Art Show Coming Soon
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
The description says that the opening is from 7 to 11 but if anyone wants to see me it would be best to be there before 8:30. I have to go home to take care of our animals and enjoy my early bedtime.
I have two sculptures and a video in the show.
Lost in the Crowd . . .

Lost in the Crowd . . .
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
. . . is better than being trampled in the crowd. Given just over 7000 runners were in the Around-the-Bay 30 km race and given that most of them were faster than I am, I chose to be in the back of this crowd. Actually, I am probably not even in this photo yet. Fleur-Ange was on a pedestrian overpass looking for me when she took this photo. She almost missed me but managed to get a photo of my back from the other side of the overpass a bit later.
I finished in 3 hours 47 minutes or 10 minutes faster than three years ago when I was only 65. I felt better than I had in the previous race but was having a bit of vertigo in the morning and during the run so perhaps without that I could have been a bit faster. Not much though.
Friday, March 25, 2011
And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Photo Art Show

Photo Art Show
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
From my large collection of wild flower photos, I have picked out about 35, so far, to process and will print 20 for an art photo show. In addition i am making up a photo book which I hope will turn out well enough to offer for sale and I have also made up a collection of some of the same photos in a photo frame that will be identifying all of the flowers. As a last addition, I want to print up some to poster size. Hope I can get all of that done in the next eleven days.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
For Art Show

For Art Show
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
I am working on a flower photo art show that will show in April. I plan to have 20 8x10 framed photos, a slide show on a photo frame, and a book to show. The will be lots of work between now and April to get ready!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, March 13, 2011
More Snow
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Sculpture Project
Sculpture Project
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
Using an old spring and scraps of wood I came up with this sculpture and then was offered the challenge of making a video. The first video, or rather the sixth version of the first video, has been chosen to be shown in an April art show. This is not that video but a collection of still photos that I played with to make a different kind of video. I have a long way to go to be able to make a video without much effort.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Dizzy Goat
Monday, March 07, 2011
Saturday, March 05, 2011
East Pond

East Pond
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
Our east pond is full and way past it's usual banks with all the snow melt being added to by lots of rain falling on frozen ground. It is more pleasant due to the sound of Red-winged Blackbirds and the sight of willows starting to open their buds. Now if it were not for the forecast of snow tonight . . . .
Thursday, March 03, 2011
New Early Arrival

New Early Arrival
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
Woke up this morning feeling dizzy. Not sure what that is all about. Better by 10 a.m. but still a bit of a worry. Meanwhile, when I went out to feed the animals this morning there were lots and lots of Red-winged Blackbirds in our trees. They were singing and chirping and hopping about the trees as if spring were really here in spite of the -12 C temperature and the fact that I have never seen the so early in March on our property before.