Saturday, May 29, 2010

If I Lie Still No One Can See Me

If I Lie Still No One Can See Me
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

This was my third encounter with a new fawn in two days. Wonderful.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

I attempted to use a 15x hand lens in front of my camera to take a photo. This was the only one of about 6 attempts that came out well enough to share. It was hand held but I think a tripod would have helped in this attempt if the tripod were small enough.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

As I looked out the window this morning I saw lots and lots of spiderwebs catching the early morning sun so out I went. Yes, it was worth being wet up to my knees to get out into the early morning meadow.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

I saw two toads yesterday. The first was dirt gray all over and gone by the time I got my camera. This was the second. It was a much brighter colour and trying its best to climb a tree to get away from the camera.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

At the "you me Gallery" Fleur-Ange met with the owner, Bryce Kanbara, and a fellow exhibitor, Leo Davis, before the show opening last night. The show is on until June 6 on James Street North near Barton Street in Hamilton, Ontario. Fleur-Ange is also exhibiting some of her other works at several other locations during the next couple of months.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Early Morning Breakfast View

Early Morning Breakfast View
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

After listening to a beautiful coyote chorus last night, we were lucky again this morning with deer visiting our east meadow. I saw two deer but from the upstairs window, Fleur-Ange saw three. Nice way to start the day.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

I seldom get to see Sycamore tree flowers as they are usually too high to see properly. There are very low branches on a Sycamore tree at the RBG Arboretum in Hamilton, Ontario.

Friday, May 07, 2010

From Our Pasture

From Our Pasture
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer

Over the years I have found Morels various times but often too late. These were just right! They just needed slicing, hot butter, salt, & pepper and a couple of minutes in the fry pan before the table.