If I Lie Still No One Can See Me
Originally uploaded by Ontario Wanderer
This was my third encounter with a new fawn in two days. Wonderful.
This was my third encounter with a new fawn in two days. Wonderful.
I attempted to use a 15x hand lens in front of my camera to take a photo. This was the only one of about 6 attempts that came out well enough to share. It was hand held but I think a tripod would have helped in this attempt if the tripod were small enough.
As I looked out the window this morning I saw lots and lots of spiderwebs catching the early morning sun so out I went. Yes, it was worth being wet up to my knees to get out into the early morning meadow.
I saw two toads yesterday. The first was dirt gray all over and gone by the time I got my camera. This was the second. It was a much brighter colour and trying its best to climb a tree to get away from the camera.
At the "you me Gallery" Fleur-Ange met with the owner, Bryce Kanbara, and a fellow exhibitor, Leo Davis, before the show opening last night. The show is on until June 6 on James Street North near Barton Street in Hamilton, Ontario. Fleur-Ange is also exhibiting some of her other works at several other locations during the next couple of months.
After listening to a beautiful coyote chorus last night, we were lucky again this morning with deer visiting our east meadow. I saw two deer but from the upstairs window, Fleur-Ange saw three. Nice way to start the day.
I seldom get to see Sycamore tree flowers as they are usually too high to see properly. There are very low branches on a Sycamore tree at the RBG Arboretum in Hamilton, Ontario.
Over the years I have found Morels various times but often too late. These were just right! They just needed slicing, hot butter, salt, & pepper and a couple of minutes in the fry pan before the table.